Transfer Student Admission Counseling Program

While many students find just the right college and stay there for four years, statistics show that about one in three students who enroll in either a four-year or two-year college will probably transfer at some point. Reasons for transferring may be as varied as students themselves. Whether you want to be closer – or further – from home; changed your major or program of interest; want a more prestigious degree; or simply believe that the ‘grass is greener’ somewhere else, can help you during the transfer process. As competition for open spots can be fierce and the college transfer process can be a big hassle, our expert college advisors can help you with some of the following:

$3999.00 U.S (NOTE: Prior to purchase, please contact Mr. Will for a courtesy Zoom meeting to see if we are a good fit and if my services fit your needs. Most, if not all Mr. Will's clients, come to my program based on referrals of previous clients or contacts)

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